Sermons (Page 16)

Spoiler Alert: Unto Us a Child is Born

SCRIPTURE: Shining Light Tells The Good Story 3:7-18 (Luke 3:7-18)First Nations Version, an Indigenous Translation of the New Testament 7 Large crowds of people were coming out to hear Gift of Goodwill (John) and have him perform the purification ceremony. He noticed some of the spiritual leaders in the crowd and warned them, “You nest of poisonous snakes!… 8 Prove to others by the way you live that you have returned to the good road. Do not think you can…

The Wild Man in the River

SCRIPTURE: Shining Light Tells The Good Story 3:1-6 (Luke 3:1-6)First Nations Version, an Indigenous Translation of the New Testament The People of Iron (Romans) had many new rulers and governors, and the tribes of Wrestles with Creator (Israel) had a new chief holy man for the sacred lodge. It was now the fifteenth year of the rule of Son of the Great River (Tiberius Caesar). Under him was Spear of the Great Waters (Pontius Pilate), the governor ruling over the…

Olly, Olly, Oxen Free!

SCRIPTURE: Shining Light Tells The Good Story 25:25-36 (Luke 25:25-36)First Nations Version, an Indigenous Translation of the New Testament Verses 37-38: During the day Creator Sets Free (Jesus) would teach and tell his stories at the sacred lodge. Then at night he would go to where he was lodging on Olive Mountain. Then, in the morning, all the people would gather again at the lodge to listen to him. 25 “There will also be signs in the sun, moon, and…

Again, Again, Again: Gratitude Three Ways

SCRIPTURE: Gift From Creator Tells the Good Story 5:1-11 (Matthew 5:1-11)First Nations Version, an Indigenous Translation of the New Testament Italics here are part of the translation. 1 When Creator Sets Free (Jesus) saw the great crowd, he went back up into the mountainside and sat down to teach the people. His followers came to him there, 2 so he took a deep breath, opened his mouth, and began to share his wisdom with them and teach them how to…

Frayed but Unafraid

SCRIPTURE: Gift From Creator Tells the Good Story 5:1-11 (Matthew 5:1-11)First Nations Version, an Indigenous Translation of the New TestamentItalics here are part of the translation. 1 When Creator Sets Free (Jesus) saw the great crowd, he went back up into the mountainside and sat down to teach the people. His followers came to him there, 2 so he took a deep breath, opened his mouth, and began to share his wisdom with them and teach them how to see…

The Wisdomkeeper and the 3: Head Woman, Healing Tears and Creator Helps Him

SCRIPTURE: Shining Light Tells the Good Story 10:38-42 (Luke 10:38-42)First Nations Version, an Indigenous Translation of the New Testament 38 As they journeyed on, they went to a village where a woman named Head Woman (Martha) gave them lodging at her house. 39 Her sister Healing Tears (Mary), who lived with her, sat next to Creator Sets Free (Jesus) on the floor, listening to his teaching. As their Wisdomkeeper, Creator Sets Free (Jesus) would teach the men who gathered around…

A Visit with Eagles

Proverbs 30:18-19, Exodus 19:1-4, Isaiah 40:31 Common English Bible [ ] = text is adapted for gender neutrality/inclusion or clarity. Proverbs 30:18-19 [The collected wisdom of the people:] 18 Three things are too wonderful for me…19 the way of an eagle in the sky,the way of a snake on the rock,the way of a ship out on the open sea…. Exodus 19:1-4 [God spoke to Moses from the mountain and said,] “…Declare to the Israelites: 4 You saw what I…

Troubled Waters <> Healing Pools

John 5:2-9a-13-9b, 16-18, The Message and Common English Bible [ ] = text is adapted for gender neutrality/inclusion or clarity. Italics indicate the text is from The Message 2-6 …Near the Sheep Gate in Jerusalem there was a pool, in Hebrew called Bethesda, with five alcoves.Hundreds of sick people—blind, crippled, paralyzed—were in these alcoves. One [sufferer] had been an invalid there for thirty-eight years. When Jesus saw [that one] stretched out by the pool and knew how long [they] had…

The Monotony of Manna

Numbers 11:7-9, 4-6 Common English Bible 7 The manna was like coriander seed and its color was like resin. 8 The people would roam around and collect it and grind it with millstones or pound it in a mortar. Then they would boil it in pots and make it into cakes. It tasted like cakes baked in olive oil. 9 When the dew fell on the camp during the night, the manna would fall with it.4 [Some] among them had…

Nine Times Out of Ten

Luke 17:11-19 Common Jewish Bible 11 On his way to Yerushalayim, Yeshua passed along the border country between Shomron and the Galil. 12 As he entered one of the villages, ten [people] afflicted with tzara‘at met him. They stood at a distance 13 and called out, “Yeshua! Rabbi! Have pity on us!” 14 On seeing them, he said, “Go and let the cohanim examine you!” And as they went, they were cleansed. 15 One of them, as soon as he…