Sermons on Pentecost

Can You Handle the Truth?

Pentecost is upon us! We remember the day when the Holy Spirit came upon the people. The Holy Spirit is part of the Triune God and is, at times, often neglected. If we took the space to truly learn who to learn who the Holy Spirit is, if we would be able to handle the truth it would have us face. SCRIPTURE: John 15:26-27; John 16:4-15 (NRSVUE) 26 “But I will send you the Advocate[a]—the Spirit of truth. He will come…


Pentecost, a time when we remember the Holy Spirit coming down on the world.  We talk about the Holy Spirit, but how do we allow the Holy Spirit to flow within us? In the base camp of our church community, near and far, we celebrate Pentecost and explore the Letter of Romans! We will keep the gift of Sabbath, learn sacred stories, sing, pray, reflect, refuel, and revive our sense of reverence! SCRIPTURE: Acts 2:1-4; Romans 8:14-17;26-30 (NRSV) Acts 2:1-4…

When Pentecost Happens

SCRIPTURE: Acts 2:1-17, The Voice Translation – as a first person, present tense, account When the holy day of Pentecost came [50 days after the festival of Passover], they were gathered together in one place. 2 [Picture yourself among the disciples]: A sound, roars from the sky without warning, the roar of a violent wind, and the whole house where you are gathered reverberates with the sound. 3 Then a flame appears, dividing into smaller flames and spreading from one…

The Pentecost Project: A Vocal Orchestration

A video based on Acts 2:1-17 and Ezekiel 37:1-14 Readers: Jan Ekern, David Nyberg, Mary Parish, Steve Ozanne, Kathy Webb, Tony Williams; Chris Kliesen WehrmanWritten, directed; illustrated by Chris Kliesen WehrmanVideo by Steve Ozanne, recorded separately, combined & compiled Click “play” below to hear Pastor Chris’ introduction to the video above:

When is Fire Good News?

We gather to celebrate Pentecost, a great sending, the sending out of the disciples, closest students of Jesus previously sequestered in fear, whose mouths are suddenly opened by the coming of Holy Spirit in wind and flame. With fires raging in our cities, it is crucial that we hear the truth pouring from the open throats, raw with smoke. We must question whatever is comfortable for us and us alone, and yet again turn our hands and hearts to the tasks of justice. Let’s come together to sing and pray, lament and renew God’s direction in us.