'pastor's corner' Tagged Posts

Pastor’s Corner: June 2024

PPUMC Family, June 15th will mark three years since I was called to this community. Reflecting on these three years, we have come a mighty long way. Since coming back from the annual conference, I am still resting on the theme “Jesus. Redeemer,” which is based on Isaiah 43:1, which states from the Common English Bible: But now, says the Lord— the one who created you, Jacob, the one who formed you, Israel: Don’t fear, for I have redeemed you;…

Pastor’s Corner: May/June 2023

Good Family, May 2, 2022 at 6:30pm was when I walked into the doors of PPUMC and met with Pastor Chris, members of the SPRC and District Superintendent Rev. Dan Johnson in community hall. The Bishop and members of the cabinet through prayerful discernment concerning me coming to Prospect Park as the next lead Pastor. I received word a week before I went to Germany that by unanimous vote, it was approved. June 5th was when I graduated from Luther…

Pastor’s Corner: March/April 2023

Good Family, Welcome to the season of Lent, a time of repentance, fasting and preparation for the resurrection of Jesus. It is a time of self-examination and reflection. Lent has always been my favorite season of the liturgical year because of a few things: the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ and the space to pause and reflect. I need this reminder daily because sometimes I can get so wrapped up in the daily routine that I miss what…

January-February Pastor’s Corner

Beloved Community, Today I plan to eat a peanut butter, bologna and lettuce sandwich on white bread, with the crusts cut off. I’m thinking to serve it on a favorite vintage plate (photo included) with a few potato chips on the side. If I can come up with some red licorice, it will be dessert. If you follow pop culture, I imagine you’ve figured out why. 1) It was Betty White’s favorite sandwich, and I’m curious.2) I learned about it…

August Pastor’s Corner

Jimmy Fallon has a running bit that has lasted through both of his late-night television shows, in which he writes thank you notes. Each is written to a flourish of music provided especially for the moment. He’s been writing them for years. They’re funny and sometimes pointed and very occasionally sweet. Mine are none of those things. They are simply sincere. Thank you PPUMC congregation, for encouraging me to take time away from work. David and I traveled some, and…

July Pastor’s Corner

My first Sunday as pastor at PPUMC was July 3, 2011, almost exactly ten years ago today. I’ll take this opportunity to wish us happy anniversary! Congratulations to us! Anniversaries are fine occasions for a quick think back. It’s been a decade. What do I – what might you – remember? You may recall, or this is the way it went: I was appointed – at rather the last minute. None of us knew a change was coming until the…

June Pastor’s Corner

Beloved friends, They say a picture speaks 1,000 words. This little dog stood watch over many a Nativity scene in its time. Its legs cracked years ago. It’s wire-skeleton showed. It stood propped against a cow, the manger, often Joseph for as long as I remember. This past Christmas a leg fell off. She couldn’t stand at all. Me neither. So she guarded me. And I her. And bit by bit well…you see what happened. Her jewels are visible. In…

March Pastor’s Corner

We’ve heard about the month of March. It comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb – or vice versa. Accordingly, we are currently in for a lovely April 1st, or may instead end up April fooled. March is a month in which we expect to be either surprised or sideswiped! This is fitting for Lent, a season that calls us to venture out of hibernation into vivid, sensory, renewed life! In fact, we could think of…

February Pastor’s Corner

Beloved community. There is a paraphrase of a Mary Oliver maxim that captures something of communal worship: Show up. Be amazed. Tell about it. There are many ways we worship! Each of us may do so anywhere, anytime, alone or in bundles, and indeed we do. We worship separately in songs and prayers and actions and choices and gifts, every day. And, then, once a week, we gather to worship all at the same time. Of course these days, the…

January Pastor’s Corner

Beloved Community, A new year has begun, and I am ready to celebrate its unfolding! 2020 was a year of challenges on a global level – a year of resourcefulness and vigilance and constant check-ins for our community. And as strange, fluid, precarious and unexpected as it was, David and I personally crowned the year with a life-changingexperience. As most all of you know by now, on Sunday evening, Dec. 13, we were involved in a serious car accident near…