Pastor’s Corner: June 2024

Pastor’s Corner: June 2024

PPUMC Family,

June 15th will mark three years since I was called to this community. Reflecting on these three years, we have come a mighty long way. Since coming back from the annual conference, I am still resting on the theme “Jesus. Redeemer,” which is based on Isaiah 43:1, which states from the Common English Bible:

But now, says the Lord— the one who created you, Jacob, the one who formed you, Israel: Don’t fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name; you are mine.

Even though God is telling Israel those words, I can hear God telling you and me these words. To be reminded that we belong to God brings an assurance that no matter what comes my way and what people say about me, I can confidently say that I belong to God and that God sees me as God’s own. That statement would be the constant message that I strive to bring, and I want us to be reminded that we belong to God and that, in God’s eyes, we are fearfully and wonderfully made.

In these three years, we have embarked on a remarkable journey, navigating the uncharted waters of what it means to be the church post-Covid. We’ve delved into sessions with Minnesota Interfaith Power and Light on reparations, initiated free community meals every third Wednesday, witnessed the removal of all the harmful language of LGBTQ+ from the Book of Discipline at the General Conference, and so much more. The constant reminder has been that we are God’s children and we belong to God.

As we step into the summer season, I urge each of us to carve out moments to be with God. In those moments, may we hear the Lord’s comforting words from Isaiah 43:1, ‘Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name; you are mine.’ Remember, we belong to God, and with that assurance, we have nothing to fear. God has us covered.

Let’s Get It!

Rev. Isiah C. Dennis