It is Palm Sunday! We open the gates wide and enter Holy Week.
We may think of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem as a measured walk down the sanctuary aisle adorned with palm branches and orderly singing.
In reality the procession undoubtedly looked more like a pack of sports fans jostling for position to get through the gates and into the stadium for the main event.
Palm branches waving? Of course! There were palm trees everywhere.
But we don’t need imported palms to celebrate.
Grab a potted plant – or a Homer Hankie!
Wear your fancy green suit – or pajamas!
We will celebrate!!!
Then we will begin our remembrance of some of the events in the final week of Jesus’ mortal life.
We will follow a pattern of scripture, characters, candle lighting and sung response in this service of deepening devotion.
• A scripture passage introduces one of six characters close to Jesus.
• A short, first-person reflection – in the words of that character – follows.
• We pause to light a candle, in love, hope and faith.
• Then, we sing, and move on.
We often remember Holy Week with a Tenebrae service of descending darkness. This year we choose to create a service of ascending devotion. Prepare your space in advance if you like, with Palm Sunday greenery and/or candles to be lit as we worship together.
(There are 6 candles in the service.)
Be sure to join us ONLINE – virtual coffee hour begins at 9:30, with worship starting at 10 a.m.
And a very great multitude spread their garments in the way; others cut down branches from the trees, and strewed them in the way. And the multitudes that went before, and that followed, cried out, saying, “Hosanna to the Son of David: Blessed is the one that comes in the name of God; Hosanna in the highest.”
Matthew 21:8-9
For those without internet access or a smartphone, you can listen to the service. For those wishing to dial in by phone, the number to call is 1-301-715-8592; follow the prompts by entering the meeting ID: 200 490 023, then press the # key.
For those with internet access, computer and/or smartphone, here are the webcast login instructions:
Beginning at 9:30 a.m., you can click on the following link to join worship through ZOOM on your computer or smartphone: https://zoom.us/j/200490023.
The site will connect you directly to the worship service with others attending online, and you will have the ability to participate through your computer’s camera and microphone. Even if you have a computer that doesn’t include a camera or microphone, you can still join the service in watch-only mode. In case you need it, the meeting ID is: 200 490 023.
If you need a password, it is: 024940
Cathy Velasquez Eberhart is available to assist with any questions related to the webcast at 651-587-5356, and by email: cathy@vfamilycoffee.com.
We look forward to seeing you ONLINE for worship this Sunday!